
TEDxConstanta - Vorbitor

Ciprian Stănescu

Co-Fondator, Social Innovation Solutions

TEDxConstanta - Vorbitor

Ciprian construieste, alaturi de echipa Social Innovation Solutions, spații de conversație pentru viitor - de la incubatoarele pentru tineri antreprenori ca Future Makers sau Social Impact Award, sau platformele de evenimente Future Summit, Future Youth Summit, Future Talks sau până la executive education în Future Lab.

Ciprian a vorbit in 2018 in cadrul unui TEDx despre cum arata urmatorii 100 de ani - acum ne concentram pe cum ar putea arata urmatorii 10 ani.

Discurs Ciprian Stănescu TEDxConstanta 2020

How do we reduce the distance from the future?

Everyone talks about keeping the distance these days.

The talk is about how and why to reduce the distance between us and the future - to be better prepared - and between us and the social challenges around us.

Ciprian builds, together with the Social Innovation Solutions team, conversation spaces for the future - from incubators for young entrepreneurs like Future Makers or Social Impact Award, or Future Summit, Future Youth Summit, Future Talks event platforms or to executive education in Future Lab.

Ciprian spoke in 2018 at a TEDx about what the next 100 years will look like - now we are focusing on what the next 10 years might look like.

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TEDxConstanta eveniment independent sub licența TED
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