
TEDxConstanta - Vorbitor

Cristian Presură

Research Scientist at Philips Research Eindhoven

TEDxConstanta - Vorbitor

Cristian Presură studied physics and engineering. In 2002, he received his PhD in physics from the Groningen University, Netherlands. Since then he is a Research Scientist at Philips Research Eindhoven. His research focuses on medical sensors and resulted in a few dozens of patents.

Cristian finds time to write for the public some of the most accurate yet accessible science popularization books and articles. His first book, „Narrated Physics”, was an instant hit on Romanian market and received numerous prizes, such as the Romanian Academy prize and the medal of the Romanian Society of Mathematical Sciences.

He regularly gives physics courses in summer student camps, writes to journals, and appears regularly on radio and TV. He has also a popular YouTube channel for science.

Discurs Cristian Presură TEDxConstanta 2020

Dincolo de geam

"Niciodată nu vom putea înțelege natura așa de bine ca filozofii greci... Noi știm prea mult" spunea John R. Pierce.

Cunoașterea științifică accelerată a ultimelor secole ne-a schimbat perspectiva lumii pentru totdeauna. Poveștile bunicii și ale străbuncii mele s-au transformat.

Ce povești le vom spune noi copiilor când vom fi bunici?

Ce perspectiva le vom da asupra lumii? 

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