TEDxConstanta - Vorbitor
CEO & Happiness Head, Thankyou
TEDxConstanta - Vorbitor
Is a TEDx Speaker, Mentor, and a social entrepreneur on a mission — to make Swachh Bharat a reality.
As a CEO & Cofounder of Thankyou, he envisions to create sustainable waste management solutions that are easy-to-use, fully automatic, affordable and environmentally sustainable. “We’re not going to build future with heaps of waste around”, Gaurav believes. “We envision to live in a waste-free world.”
Costin Dămășaru
Inovații menite să schimbe lumea
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În căutarea antidotului la maladia scepticismului cronic
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Alexandru Bobe
Give me the key and i'll unlock the entire wor[l]d!
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