
TEDxConstanta - Vorbitor

Sorana Pascariu

Coach, Author, and human potential expert

TEDxConstanta - Vorbitor

Sorana is a coach, author, and human potential expert. She started out on a typical career path: a stint in finance, then business school and a shot at tech entrepreneurship. 

But life had other plans for her. Following a complete rock bottom where she struggled with depression and PTSD, she turned her life around through therapy and meditation. From that moment on, she dedicated her life to understanding human potential. This mission took her on an extraordinary journey of self discovery, growth and pushing the limits of what it means to be human. You can read the full story in her upcoming book which will be released in 2021. 

This desire to understand humans at the deepest level gave rise to her biggest and most ambitious dream yet: coaching astronauts who are going to Mars. Having grown up devouring science fiction authors like Isaac Asimov, she was always fascinated by space exploration and a future where humanity expands beyond Earth.

Beyond the extraordinary adventure of colonizing other planets, it is the profound psychological, spiritual, social and scientific challenges of such an endeavor that most fire up her imagination. She explores these themes in her podcast Mindset for Mars and her journey will also be documented on the Ignite Possibilities TV series. 

Discurs Sorana Pascariu TEDxConstanta 2020

What Rock Bottom Taught Me About Happiness

What is happiness? “A life well lived, on my own terms”, says Sorana Pascariu.

In this entertaining and heartfelt talk, she deconstructs happiness: from its basic chemistry in our bodies, to discovering what inner joy is (hint: you can’t chase it!), to the ecosystem of elements that interact together to create a happy life.

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