
TEDxConstanta - Vorbitor

Tanya Kathpal (India)

Founder at Eat My News

TEDxConstanta - Vorbitor

Tanya Kathpal is the founder of Eat My News. She transformed her passion for news reading to find a community-driven platform called Eat My News with a global readership and more than 5.000 members (people who have worked with EMN) across the world.

She hosts various political, thought leaders & thinkers interviews on Eat My News YT channel in a series called 'Talk with Tanya'.

Eat My News was born with a vision that one day every person in this world will be positively inspired, informed, and intelligent. Under her leadership, Eat My News has hosted 10 Youth Leadership Conferences which has had participants from across India and the world, who highly recommend it to their peers as a 'transformative & life changing' experience.

She believes in the power of messages and how one message can change a life.

Tanya has also delivered multiple training sessions in leading corporates, institutions and has created various courses hosted on online platforms.

She has completed her education from prime schools & colleges in India, namely, DPS RK Puram, Sri Venkateswara College, and Xavier Institute of Communications.

Discurs Tanya Kathpal TEDxConstanta 2020

How Politicians Influence Your Mind

Did you know politicians can influence your mind and emotions and get you to act in a way they want you to?

Tanya talks about mind blowing strategies that politicians use to influence voter behaviour, sabotage image of opponents and rally mass influence.

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